Do You Want Us to Find You a China Factory?

Caution before you send any money to China read the following

Letting us source the factory for you, just let us know the name of your product its function, and specifications. Please provide pictures, where you are buying now and your current cost.

When dealing with a China factory make sure they are the factory and not a Trade Company, trade companies are middlemen or brokers who source the product for you, thus costing extra money, or a fake trading company is where your money is stolen.

Due to Covid, you cannot visit China at this time, but if you could go you would have to pay for Airfare, hotel, food, interpreter, etc. It would cost you over 10,000 dollars. All China factory policies are the same you send money first, then you get the product. We can relieve this headache and provide you with peace of mind.

What can Glass Inc. do for you? We have established employees in China, Vietnam, Africa, and many other countries. We will have our employee contact the factory to make sure they are ligament, and then we will visit the factory to discuss the following:

  • Discuss your product specification 
  • Help Negotiate price      
  • Help logistics with shipping  
  • Oversee packaging  
  • and much more  

Then we will send you a full report, all the details and concerns you may have, plus we will send pictures of the factory, production line, management and superiors and factors you should know about.

Remember all China factories have the same policies, they want to receive all payments before the product is shipped, confirming that this, not a fake is factory is imperative. Literally, we could save you thousands of dollars with our service.

For visiting any factory in any China at a low cost of $ 4999.00

Payment by check, we will invoice you with details.